What Makes You Happy! What brings You Joy!

What brings you joy!

Hello beautiful souls!

So what is it that brings you joy?

It does not have to be anything big to others standards…

What is it that makes YOU happy!

Now…when is the last time you did what makes you happy?

I will wait…

See what I am trying to get at is that it is important for us to do those things that we love to do!

This past week, I turned up the music in my room and in my car and would sing my heart out!

For those who do not know this about me, I have always been singing.

My parents pretty much told me that my first words were sung and have been singing ever since.

I have been choirs throughout my life, I have been choirs in different languages, and led Worship for children and Adult ministries.

It is a great way for me to communicate and easy way to communicate.

So whenever I am in the car, there is always music on and even with my kids in the car I will sing my heart out…and yes, I have had cars next to me give me the stares, but because I am feeling good, I wave, smile and then drive off!…and this past week I had the music on in my room while working. I have music on right now while writing this.

It makes me feel free, but also it helps me to see the beauty that is all around me.

So what evokes that feeling in you?

And yes that feeling…it is HIGH VIBRATION!!!

So what is it that you do to make you feel amazing?

Why aren’t you doing more of that?

We are meant to live in joy and happiness…it doesn’t matter what you do…it just matters that you get that feeling of pure happiness and joy! That feeling that you can be and do anything!

Do that today!!!

Sending you lots of love and light 💖💖💖

About the author: Catharine Han Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Master Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner Certified Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner

I am a Spiritual Channel helping you to heal and let go of limiting beliefs so that you can be fully be who you were meant to be and live a life of joy and happiness that is meant for you.

I am also a mother of 3 amazing intuitive and empathic boys and a wife...living in Wisconsin.

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