20th Anniversary Sale! 🥳 🎉 Lifetime Membership – ENDS TONIGHT!

Membership for Life! Professional Certification! Tarot Course! LIVE Mentoring, Coaching, Q&A and Discussion Sessions, Workshops, Classes!

The Tarot Guild is now 20 Years old! October 31st, 2004 -to- October 31st, 2024! …..To Celebrate 🎉 this momentous occasion we are Bringing BACK our Lifetime Membership! ….with ALL the “Bells and Whistles”!

For a short time, instead of paying an annual fee of $78, or a monthly fee, you can JOIN NOW for Just ONE payment of $78!

That’s right! Membership for Life! ….and, your Professional Certification (Certified Tarot Reader / Psychic Advisor / Spiritual Coach) application is included FREE! (reg. $138 per level) …You will also receive access to our Tarot by The Numbers™, Tarot & Numerology Course included FREE! (reg, $299)

Membership also includes LIVE mentoring and coaching, Q&A and discussion sessions, workshops, classes, your own custom pages with custom URL: www.psychic.cafe/yourname, your membership & CTR certificates, interviews with you on our “Psychic Cafe Live” YouTube Shows, guest co-host appearances on our shows, on-going promotion of you, your Tarot/psychic business, and your content, a listing on our Advisors Page, and much more…

One Payment of $78:

Private Sessions 30%-OFF!

Book a Private Session with me for Just $69! (reg. $99.99) …Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Tarot/Numerology… Available via Video teleconference or Audio Call: Zoom, Facebook, Skype… and via Email! 📧 🤠☕️💜

About the author: Dax Carlisle Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Tarot Master Certified Master Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner

Dax is the Founder of The Tarot Guild (Celebrating 20 YEARS!) and Executive Producer of the "Psychic Cafe Live" YouTube/Podcast network... He is a Certified Life Coach, Numerologist, Tarot Master, and Hypnotherapist.

Dax is in his 15th Year of broadcasting on radio, podcasts, and YouTube Lives, and has helped literally tens of thousands of clients!

He is also a U.S. Air Force Veteran, and a Member of The D.A.V. as well as The American Legion. Dax is a confessed Java Junkie ☕️ and Karaoke singer 🎤, and makes his home in Tucson, AZ (U.S.A.)…

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Liane Angus avatar
@peepso_user_233(Liane Angus)
Hi Dax: I joined the Lifetime membership but I can’t find the link to the Tarot and numerology classes! (Main reason I joined -at least right now).
Can you please send me the link(s)? And let me know what your email address is if it’s deferent from Psychic.Cafe please (I get miles of email so I have to look for the right one!).
Or text?
Thank you!
L Angus
Dax Carlisle avatar
@peepso_user_1(Dax Carlisle)
Hello @peepso_user_233(Liane) ! ☕️ 👋 🥰 Congrats on getting in on the Anniversary Sale! 🎉 ...and thanks for Joining. After you join, we upgrade you membership to "lifetime" - you'll see the "verified" member ☕️ coffee cup icon next to your name all over the website. Then you have access to the private Tarot by The Numbers™ Course Group and members group. You'll find those groups under "Groups" in the navigation or use the links: https://psychic.cafe/tarotcourse and https://psychic.cafe/guildmembers ....ALL of the course materials, videos, modules are located ON the group! 💜 🤠 ☕️
3 months ago