## *Replay* 👉 *Watch Anytime!* 👀 Watch the replay of our Sunday, September 22nd #PsychicCafeLive episode anytime! I had Guest Co-Hosts: @peepso_user_2(Michelle Metheny), @peepso_user_14(Charlotte Quarnberg) and @peepso_user_12(Pamela Steele) all joining me Live "On-Air"! We discussed becoming a Confident Tarot Reader or Psychic Advisor, various Decks, and other topics! ...Lot's of FUN 🤩 and terrific Readings!
...Join us all week in the Cafe! ☕️😃 ....Grab a latte or tea, pull up a chair, and hang out with us! Your Calls, FREE Readings, Live Chat...