During Times of Despair, We are Open to Something More…

During times of despair, we are open to something more…  

We are open to another way, a connection, a divine route. The road of the ego, with its endless roadblocks, has no true destination; it only serves to reroute us to nowhere, but we are free from its constraints. 

Our Soul travels with love, love for the Self, and your journey. 

Do not allow your ego or the egos of others to disrupt your travel plans. The Soul is the loving companion gently giving us the directions of our own hearts. 

The Soul speaks of your worthiness to create all you desire. Only our fear forms imagined roadblocks, taking our creations of love away. 

Today, allow yourself to hear your companion through your travels and hear only words of your worthiness and how much you deserve the destination of your heart.

Love & Light!
~ Janice 💜☕️

About the author: Janice Fuchs, LCSW Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Master Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner Certified Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner

Janice is a licensed psychotherapist and Co-Founder of the International Association of Angel Practitioners (The I.A.A.P.). She is Host of the "Wisdom of The Soul" show, on the "Psychic Cafe Network"!

Janice is also an Author ("The Forgotten Friend" and "A Guide to Angelic Mediumship"), Angel Practitioner and an Intuitive Therapist & Medium, having worked with thousands of clients, via her practice….

After working with the likes of James Van Praag and John Holland, and 20 years experience, she has created the worlds First and Only Angelic Mediumship™ Course….

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