The Halloween Tarot! Grab Yours 👉 5%-OFF on Amazon
Author: Dax Carlisle
Problem People and Tarot Webinar (video) – Christiana Gaudet!
Check out this awesome video ⬇️ webinar with the FABulous Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet! Originally held LIVE on Christiana's YouTube Channel:
Debra’s New Book “Decode Tarot” coming out September 28th!
Grab your Copy of Debra Zachau's new book: DECODE TAROT From the publisher on Amazon: Expand your knowledge of the Tarot and build your confidence and accuracy in giving readings.Author Debra Zachau’s profound insights are the result of extensive real-world testing, with over 10,000 readings validating her unique system of Tarot interpretation. Perfect for those interested in reading professionally, or just improving their accuracy and understanding, Decode Tarot unlocks the keys to:• understanding the suits and their... Read more
How to give Great Readings! (workshop) …with Debra Zachau
Check out this video (Workshop) ⬇️ with the FABulous Tarot author and Deck creator Debra Zachau! 😃 ...Debra did this workshop for The Tarot Guild a couple of years ago, but I recently re-watched it - GREAT information! 🥰 ☕️ Debra has a NEW book 📕 coming out on September 28th "Decode Tarot: Master Meanings, Reversals, and Combinations" ....You can pre-order now:👉 Also check out Debra's Deck! "Clarity Tarot" 👉
Tarot Birth Cards – *New! – Michelle Metheny’s Own System!
Host Michelle Metheny reveals her own personal system of Tarot Birth Cards, never seen before, on "Michelle's Mystic Corner"! This is an excerpt from her Saturday, Aug 24th, 2024 episode! FREE accompanying Handout: Grab the 👉 Birth Cards Chart Handout PDF Grab a copy of Bonnie Cehovet's "Tarot, Birth Cards, and You: Keys to Empowering Yourself" on Amazon:👉 You can catch the FULL episode here:
Numerology and Your Pets!
Wait! …..Numbers and Pets?? That’s right! ….The Energies of The Numbers are Universal, and apply literally to everyone and everything, and that includes animals! In fact, animals naturally have a Sense of Numbers, and many can even count, to some extent! For more on this, check out: With Humans, we build a Full 9-Number Numerology Chart, based on the Name, Name at Birth and Birth Date. While this can be done to some extent, with pets and animals, assuming you have their birth date and original... Read more
Lenormand Deck Styles – Multi-Deck Walk-Through!
A walk-through and discussion of multiple Lenormand (Lenny) Decks, looking at different styles and designs! With Host Michelle Metheny and guest co-host Dax Carlisle! ...This is an excerpt from "Michelle's Mystic Corner", from Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 Deck Links and Full Episode Link below the video: You can watch the ENTIRE episode here: Ciro Marchetti's Gilded Reverie Lenormand: AMAZONCiro Marchetti's Fin De Siecle Kipper: AMAZONPagan Lenormand Oracle Cards: AMAZON Scrying Ink lenormand: AMAZONRevival... Read more
A Journey Through The Lenormand Cards!
Full Deck Walk-Through... Workshop - Featuring Ciro Marchetti's Gilded Reverie Lenormand! This video combines the Lenormand Deck Walk-Through Parts 1 and 2, from two previous episodes of "Michelle's Mystic Corner", edited down to one video for easier viewing! Join us for this mini-workshop, featuring Ciro Marchetti's "Gilded Reverie Lenormand" Deck! Guest Co-Host Dax Carlisle joins Host Michelle Metheny for an exciting Journey, featuring many insights into "The Lennies"! Ciro Marchetti's Gilded Reverie Lenormand:👉
Anxiety, Depression, and The Five of Cups…
On our Facebook Group, Courtney asked: Hi, I asked if my anxiety and depression would get better soon this card always shows up in readings for myself. I don’t fully understand this card... can someone please explain it? Please and thank you... 😀 I responded in the Comments: We literally call this the "Crying over spilt milk" card! The individual is focused on the three Cups that have been knocked over - spilled their contents. 😔... Read more
The Tortoise and The Hare!
Another excellent question from Tarot Vida, on our Facebook Group... Vida posted: What is he resting his foot on??? Lots of different google answers... It can be challenging finding accurate information on the internet, for sure! 😉 I told Vida... It's nice to see you are paying such close attention to detail. Many just memorize keywords and don't take the time to really examine the images. Yes, it's not clear in Pamela's image "what" it is that... Read more