Exciting news, everyone! 🎉 A brand-new season of The Angelic View Show is here, and I'm thrilled to introduce you to my amazing new cohost, Ginger—you're going to love her! Join us LIVE on Sunday, November 17th, LIVE at 2 PM Eastern for our season premiere! We can’t wait to share what we’ve lined up for this season, and it promises to be our best one yet. For all the details on upcoming episodes, check... Read more
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20th Anniversary Sale! 🥳 🎉 Lifetime Membership – ENDS TONIGHT!
Membership for Life! Professional Certification! Tarot Course! LIVE Mentoring, Coaching, Q&A and Discussion Sessions, Workshops, Classes! The Tarot Guild is now 20 Years old! ...October 31st, 2004 -to- October 31st, 2024! .....To Celebrate 🎉 this momentous occasion we are Bringing BACK our Lifetime Membership! ....with ALL the "Bells and Whistles"! For a short time, instead of paying an annual fee of $78, or a monthly fee, you can JOIN NOW for Just ONE payment of... Read more
Congratulations Pamela Steele! CTGM – Certified Tarot Grand Master!
The Guild is proud to announce that Pamela Steele has been awarded the CTGM - Tarot Grand Master Certification! 🥳 🎉 Pamela is an author and deck creator: The Steele Wizard Tarot (now in it's 3rd Edition), the Eternal Seeker Oracle, and the Wizard’s Pets Tarot-the ABCs She is also a Host on “The Psychic Cafe Live” Radio and YouTube Video-Stream shows, a staff member at The Tarot Guild, a Registered Massage Therapist, and Reiki... Read more
A Tarot Journey – Pamela Steele 1979 – 2024
Early spring 1979: I purchased my first RWS Tarot Deck in Fort Worth Texas because my cousin, Maya, insisted I needed a “visible means of prophecy.” After reviewing the deck, I believed it was incomplete and missing some key cards. I was told to “shut up and read the damned cards.” Over the next few months, I found tarot books by A.E. Wait and by Eden Grey and began journaling while looking for similarities between... Read more
Tarot Tuesday – Justice
Hail and welcome to another #TarotTuesday post for the week ahead. This time, Justice is reminding us to do our due diligence not only in our own affairs, but also in our interactions with others. Do not just rush in to a fight or conversation; make sure you have all the facts and all the different sides of the story before you decide on your course of action. You may still enter the affray, but... Read more
Halloween Deck Talk
What decks do you like to use during the Halloween/ Samhain season? I have my seasons deck and those I use mostly during the Halloween season. And today, I am going to share my information on these decks with you. I only have a handful of decks I use during this season, however; they are fun decks and it’s always so energetic to open the decks and get re-acquainted with them each year. One deck... Read more
Perfect for Halloween! 🎃 👻
The Halloween Tarot! Grab Yours 👉 5%-OFF on Amazon
Sneak Peek at my forthcoming new deck, Sage Conversations Tarot
This deck features Renaissance style art, with multiple alternates for selected cards. I am hoping for a release in November, 2024!
Vote for me to the World Divination Awards 2024
Hello psychic.cafe and Tarot Guild members I don't know if anyone knows about the WDA World Divination Association? I have been a member of this global association specializing in divination, astrology and cartomancy for many years. They organize the WORLD DIVINATION AWARDS every year. Well, imagine that I am nominated for the international elections of the World Divination Awards 2024. I will be very happy to see some votes from psychic.cafe and Tarot Guild members... Read more
Tarot Tuesday – King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is a reminder to look at just how far you've come. It's OK to celebrate your wins, particularly when they are hard won. The months and years that you have put into getting your life on track and moving forward deserve to be noted, cheered on and held up like a precious gift that makes the sacrifices worth while. Think about your life right now; what can you celebrate and how... Read more