Are you enjoying our Psychic Cafe Shows? Maybe you received an awesome on-air Reading! Learned something new? …Or you’re just having FUN 🤩 watching/listening and hanging out with us in the Chat! Send us some Love 💕 🤠 by grabbing us a ☕️ Cup of Coffee!
You can send us a “Tip” anytime! But in addition, if you grab us a Coffee ☕️ before or during a Live show, you can Jump to the front of the line!
We will take your Call, or your question in the chat, FIRST… and right away… No waiting! …Plus spend more time on your Call or Question, allow you to ask follow up questions, etc!
Just let us know by sending Dax a message from his Page! NOTE: You have to be signed in to message (it’s free to sign up!)… You can also tell us during the Live show, in the chat room on YouTube, or email: