Do you connect with your cards?
I have found it to be extremely beneficial in my practice to bond with my cards, and too re-connect with my cards at times as well.
There are multiple reasons to bond with your cards. Everyone must come up with their own ways and reasons for connecting to their cards. Here are a few reasons why most people feel it is important to connect to their cards.
👉 Share and exchange energies between you and your cards.
👉 Develop a working relationship with your cards
👉 Understand the deeper meaning of the cards
👉 Enhances your intuition & insight while using your cards
👉 Builds your own trust that it reflects your intuition & wisdom.
What makes you want to bond with your cards?
Here is where your part comes in. You get to pick just one deck of tarot or oracle cards, and ask yourself; why do I want to bond with these cards? And just write down the first thing that comes to mind. That is where you start. From there you can ask yourself the other questions that spiral from your main question and you will find the answer you are looking for.
Some Basic Bonding Techniques:
👉 Sleep with your deck under your pillow. This allows your subconscious mind to dwell with the energies of the tarot cards.
👉 Keep a journal. Whenever you use your cards, write in the journal. Your experience with the cards, how you felt, what you saw, etc.
👉 Carry your cards around with you.
👉 Do a daily draw. At bedtime, write in a tarot journal if/how/why the card had a play in your day
👉 Play a solitaire game with your tarot cards
👉 Do the Interview your Deck spread
👉 Find fun spreads to practice
I also discussed this topic on an episode of “Michelle’s Mystic Corner”! …Watch the Replay anytime at:
Also check out this quick 8 minute Video: Spreads to help you connect with your Deck! This is an excerpt from my Saturday, July 27th “Michelle’s Mystic Corner” episode:
Blessed Be
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