YOU are The Light in The Darkness!


YOU are the light in the darkness, Even through your hurt, disappointment, and despair, you Shine.

The mind will try to defeat you, but your Soul will uplift and empower you. Let go of thoughts that circle around and within you and reach for something more.

With the Soul’s loving hand of understanding, transform thoughts of limitation and despair into inspiration, connection, and divine truth. Your light is eternal, never fading, and forever reflecting love.

Love & Light!
~ Janice 💜☕️

About the author: Janice Fuchs, LCSW Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Master Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner Certified Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner

Janice is a licensed psychotherapist and Co-Founder of the International Association of Angel Practitioners (The I.A.A.P.). She is Host of the "Wisdom of The Soul" show, on the "Psychic Cafe Network"!

Janice is also an Author ("The Forgotten Friend" and "A Guide to Angelic Mediumship"), Angel Practitioner and an Intuitive Therapist & Medium, having worked with thousands of clients, via her practice….

After working with the likes of James Van Praag and John Holland, and 20 years experience, she has created the worlds First and Only Angelic Mediumship™ Course….

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