Using a Spread for both Tarot and Oracle Cards!

Hello everybody!

Today I want to go over how to use a spread with both a tarot deck and an oracle deck. A lot of people do not know the difference between Tarot and Oracle. And some do not know that both can be used in spreads and lay readings. I love that both can be used for the same things.

I will use the Light Seer’s Tarot Deck and the Vintage Wisdom Oracle Deck to do a reading with this spread.

I love reading with Tarot. There is a structure to it. There are set meanings that make the images come to life. The Tarot keeps me in line and lets me know that if I use my intuition with the meanings, the spirit along with those images comes to life.

Oracle sweet Oracle. There is no structure. No set number of cards. No set of suits. Some cards have a meaning or word on them, and some do not, When I read, I use my intuition with the cards to bring the images to life. To also communicate with spirit. I read the images, letting the images speak to me.

As Above So Below.

  1. The situation at hand
  2. What are you using too much of
  3. What are you not using enough of
  4. Advice from the Universe Above
  5. Advice from the Earth Below

First, I am going to pull the cards from the Light Seer’s Tarot.

The page of cups is the situation at hand. You are so focused on waiting for the dream to come in that you are forgetting something; you must put the work into it. Anything is possible. You have to manifest and make your dreams reality. Step into your future now.

The Judgement card is what you are using too much of. Rhetorical question… Why are you judging yourself so harshly? You are second guessing yourself and doubting yourself. You need to learn to judge yourself with honesty and pure intentions. Trust your intuition and trust yourself.

The 4 of Swords is what you are not using enough of. You are not taking enough time for yourself. You need time to rest. Sometimes life can run us ragged, and we need to just take time away from it all. That is not being selfish. It’s being responsible. Talk positively to yourself. Love on yourself.

The Ace of Pentacles is the advice from the Universe Above. It’s time to plant some roots in the financial realm. You need to be prepared for the future now financially. The first step is to plant some roots. Save money, start a savings account, invest in stocks. Do what you can/want to prepare.

2 of Pentacles is the advice from the Earth Below. You are torn between being needed and needing “you” time. You are juggling, but every juggler gets tired. Now you need to let yourself be balanced and grounded. Allow yourself to spend time with you. Go for a nature walk and allow yourself to connect with yourself.

Now let’s do this same spread using the Vintage Wisdom Oracle.

Innocence is the situation at hand. Looking into this card. These children are so young and innocent. Letting life and curiosity guide them. Taking that step of faith forward. So why are you afraid to move forward? What is holding you back? What are you afraid of?

Grace is what you are using too much of. Are you giving someone too much grace? Are you allowing someone to continually use your energy instead of their own? Some people can just make you extremely tired and you need to take a break from them. What if that person you are giving too much grace to is you? Take a step back and look deep inside of yourself. Take the power or authority you have and intermix it with kindness and compassion. Take the power and authority you have and step into the person you are meant to be.

Perception is what you are not using enough of. How you see things is not how they always are. Sometimes you need to look at things from a different view. One man’s trash/ is another man’s treasure. Just like what makes one person happy might make another person sad. In order to truly understand the situation, you need to know all the facts in the situation, not just what you can see. But what you can’t as well. Maybe then you can see clearly enough to make a move.

Purity is the advice from the Universe Above. It is time to declutter. Clear out your mind, your closet, your car, your heart, etc…. Start getting rid of old things you no longer need and negative thoughts, and beliefs that no longer serves you. Allow new positive energy fill you and give you the knowledge that you need. Knowledge and a pure heart can open doors for you.

Protection is the advice from the Earth. Again, with getting rid of that which no longer serves you. Remove the clutter. But also know. Protection is here for you. What guides you? What pushes you? Desire, drive. motivation, intention? These are all things that swirl with energy around you. The universe protecting your energy. Your guides speaking to your subconscious mind. Grounding and meditating keeps you balanced. Stay ready for anything.

Michelle discussed this on her “Michelle’s Mystic Corner” episode, Saturday, March 23rd! Watch it anytime here:

👉 Michelle’s Mystic Corner March 23rd

Visit my Profile anytime! Feel free to Message me. You can also book a Private Session there. ⬇️

About the author: Michelle Metheny Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Tarot ReaderCertified Tarot Reader

I am a certified Tarot Reader and Numerologist and life coach.
I have a passion for helping, guiding, teaching, and encouraging others.
Contact me for a Tarot Reading and/or a Numerology Report!

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