Mysteries of The Wheel of Fortune – R.O.T.A. The Letters…

💜 ☕️ 😃 🎉 There’s a lot of interesting symbolism on The Wheel of Fortune Card. Have you ever paid attention to the Letters (R.O.T.A.) on the Wheel itself? As the wheel spins, we see the letters are a form of anagram, spelling out different words, depending on which letter we begin with, and which way we spin the wheel! Here’s one interpretation:

Otar………..atch sight of (esp at a distance)

The Art of Tarot allows us to observe, as Hathor, the Wheel of Time and to speak the Law…..
About the author: Dax Carlisle Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Tarot Master Certified Master Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner

Dax is the Founder of The Tarot Guild (Celebrating 20 YEARS!) and Executive Producer of the "Psychic Cafe Live" YouTube/Podcast network... He is a Certified Life Coach, Numerologist, Tarot Master, and Hypnotherapist.

Dax is in his 15th Year of broadcasting on radio, podcasts, and YouTube Lives, and has helped literally tens of thousands of clients!

He is also a U.S. Air Force Veteran, and a Member of The D.A.V. as well as The American Legion. Dax is a confessed Java Junkie ☕️ and Karaoke singer 🎤, and makes his home in Tucson, AZ (U.S.A.)…

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Michelle Metheny avatar
@peepso_user_2(Michelle Metheny)
This is helpful, especially if you do different spreads, the way the Wheel lays could speak volumes. Thank you.
Dax Carlisle avatar
@peepso_user_1(Dax Carlisle)
Love it 😍 👍