๐Ÿ’– Weekly Channeled Message – Seeing through the Lens of Others ๐Ÿ’–

Hello beautiful souls!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

We are almost in February and seems 2024 is already flying by!

Hope your January has been one that has been filled with lots of growth as well as one with hope and joy.

This week, along with the channeled message that I had mentioned on my January wrap up video on YouTube, this week we are being asked and shown to see things through the lens of others.

So what does that mean?


What we see about certain situations, is not going to be exactly how others see things.

We can have the same scenario in front of us, but everyone will see and explain things in a difference perspective, because their FOCUS was not on exactly what you focused on.

Has this happened to you?

You and a friend or significant other, went somewhere and did the same thing, but when they explain what they did and saw does not match up with what you did and saw?

Why is that? You did the same thing and in front of you saw the same people, or the same thing happening?

I have had this happen many times with my husband…we may be talking about a date that we went on while we were dating, and what he remembers is completely different from what I remember.

We have to remember that everyone is different so how we see certain things experience certain things are going to be different as well.

This goes on around us all of the time!

But do you take the time to understand it?

Do you take the time to understand someone else’s perspective on certain things?

So many times, we get frustrated because others can’t seem to see things the same things we see things.

We expect others to see things the way we see things, but everyone is different so why do we expect others to see things the way we see things? The same with feelings?

This week, how can you take the time to see someone else’s perspective on what they experience? How can you understand the other person’s perspective on situations that occur?

You can do this by asking and getting to know others. You can do this by taking the time to share your own perspective and what you will start to see how the other person see’s the world around them.

When we take the time to see other’s through their lens, we can start to truly see how amazing each and every one of us are…in our own unique ways…and see the love and light that is who each and every one of us are.

Sending you all lots of love and light ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

About the author: Catharine Han Verified Member Radio/YouTube Host Certified Master Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner Certified Advisor - psychic advisor/medium/life coach/spiritual coach/channel/angel practitioner

I am a Spiritual Channel helping you to heal and let go of limiting beliefs so that you can be fully be who you were meant to be and live a life of joy and happiness that is meant for you.

I am also a mother of 3 amazing intuitive and empathic boys and a wife...living in Wisconsin.

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