What brings you joy! Hello beautiful souls! So what is it that brings you joy? It does not have to be anything big to others standards... What is it that makes YOU happy! Now...when is the last time you did what makes you happy? I will wait... See what I am trying to get at is that it is important for us to do those things that we love to do! This past week, I... Read more
Author: CompassionateLight
Are you ready for this new season of Fall? Are you ready for change?
Hello beautiful souls! I hope everyone had a great summer! Mine was busy with family and changes within myself and additions to my own career. Fall comes with it changes. Changes in seasons, changes with school years for kids and getting ready for the holidays, but there is a reason that all of this happens! The physical changes within our environments are reminders for that it is important for everyone to change as well. How... Read more
💖 Soul and Your Purpose 💖
Hello beautiful souls! I hope you are had a wonderful week! So this week I had a new video posted onto our YouTube channel, continuing our series on the Soul and titled Soul and Your Purpose. In the video we talked about how your Soul knows what your purpose is and in order to understand what our purpose is, we need to shed away the limiting beliefs that we have picked up from others and... Read more
💖 May Channeled Messages and Compassionate Light Updates 💖
Hello beautiful souls and happy May! Can you believe it is almost summer? I know it has been a while since you have heard from me, but just like many of you may have, I have been learning, letting go and releasing, growing and transforming and all while being sick and my family having been sick...let me explain... So many times the Divine has us go through events that stops us in our tracks...slows us... Read more
💖 Weekly Channeled Message – Seeing through the Lens of Others 💖
Hello beautiful souls! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! We are almost in February and seems 2024 is already flying by! Hope your January has been one that has been filled with lots of growth as well as one with hope and joy. This week, along with the channeled message that I had mentioned on my January wrap up video on YouTube, this week we are being asked and shown to see things through the... Read more
💖 Weekly Channeled Message – Moving Past Fears 💖
Hello beautiful souls! I hope you are all having a wonderful week! Time is flying by this month and we are being reminded that we need to stop letting fear get in the way of us doing those things that are meant for us to do! What fears do you need to work through today? What are you being called to do this week so that you can do those things you truly want to... Read more
💖 Weekly Channeled Message – Keep It Simple Silly 💖
Hello beautiful souls! I hope your week is off to a great start! We, here in Wisconsin, had 2 days of intense snow days with the second one being a blizzard and now it is extremely cold. If you are also experiencing some harsh weather, please stay safe. Today as I was channeling with the Archangels as well as my Angels and Guides, I was shown that this week, it will be important for all... Read more
Get out of your head and move into your heart!
Hello beautiful souls! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! So I was going about my day today, doing some journaling, speaking with a few people and taking care of kids and the Archangels showed up for me to share this message. How is it that you are needing to get out of your own head and step into what it is that you are feeling in your heart? Last week I was given an... Read more