Hello friends!!
Today I want to talk about the word of the year. Every year, my sister Heidi and I pick a word that will carry us through the year. A word that describes what we have been through, what we are hoping to go through, what we are going to hold on to for encouragement for the year. It’s also a fun and inspirational tradition that I wanted to share with you all.
I chose the word flower. My favorite flower is the rose. I has been my favorite since I was a little girl. Of course, my favorite is red roses, but all colors are so beautiful. They do not live very long, however, their Frangrance is so inviting and elegant. They have a vast array of colors, and they bring such happiness to people. Roses makes people stop and smile. I know I like to stop and smell the roses. I take part in nature and the element of air, and a moment of grounding.
The reason I chose the word flower is because I feel like I am the rose the has grown out of that sidewalk. Struggling to grasp for air, putting my roots down where the dirt is buried under ponds of heavy concrete killing everything around me. But I have survived! I grew anyway. I pushed past that concrete, and I said, I am here, I made it this far, and I am going to continue to grow. For me, a rose is flowing with love, openness, wonder, excitement, and radiance. (flower). That is how I finally feel I am able to do with my abilities and gifts.
Do you have a word that would work for you this year? I am going to make a sign for my office with the word flower and the picture to go with it. What would you do with your word? Would you try to grow into your word more? I encourage you to think about a word that you can choose for yourself. Write it down, think on it, play with it, have fun with it, let it encourage you.
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